Saturday, October 31, 2009


So my promise took a while. But now; finally a post to update about what exactly is going on in Dutchland..
Without a doubt this week has been INSANE. Students really throw too many parties, meaning that a) you get less sleep than an IB student. and b) you seem to spend all ur money on (cheap) drinks[this accounts for a lot of alcohol so to say]
On Monday I went to 2 lectures which were really quite interesting and at night a friend came over for dinner because she wants to move in the second bedroom I have. Tuesday I went to the party called DoubleTrouble @ the Kadans which consists of 3 floors; basement with hardcore partying, the entrance floor with hop-hop and r&b, and an attic with places to chill [and order champagne]
The girls weren't up for making it late cuz we had class next morning at 11 but I decided to go anyway and tagged along with the boys.
Boy oh boy some things went down in Kadans.
Wednesday's tutorial was interesting as we all looked wonderfuly sleepy :) as a result of the night before I pretty much passed out after school bit was woken up by a phonecall to attend the "Tragos" party. Fine, one drink and then I'm going home. En fin, 2 drinks later I made it to bed at a reasonable time! Thursday night we went to a student bar with the girls, I ended up mAking a fool of myself or giving someone a massive ego boost with a texting adventure.. But that story is yet to be continued. Friday night Halloween party at the Highlander and Saturday morning a terribly early wake up to go to work. Work is amazing, the people are all extremely nice so I'm really enjoying that experience as well.
Right now I'm in my bed desperately wanting to gonto sleep, quite aware ofthe fact that this post has only focused on the Maastricht student parties. True fact. However, I must admit that they really are a blast and I've finally come to understand the meaning of the song "I love College".
I'm curious to find out "what things are too come" and what will make them "so fantastic". I do believe there is already one prediction I can make. But that is for you to find out in possible future posts ;)

The stripes on a tiger are hard to change.

With all my love to you reader[s], and my special someone in Spain[we wonder if he should know that theworldisgold]

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'll be you. Let's trade shoes.

and so the world just gets a little more confusing.

-postponing never is the way to go, but I need to clear my mind before writing something down.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

and all i wanna do is go back.

And so 5 days in Barcelona passed by too quickly.
I'm very glad I got the chance to get away from Uni life and escape into the wonderful land
of what I call Home.
I got the chance to see my parents, my dogs, my friends and once again stroll around the city.
More than ever I appreciated the October sun- the Barna tiles on the streets- the Mirador views -
the blue blue sky- the coffee's with cigarettes (and the price thereof)- the giggles- the love times-
the Spanish attitude- Downtown- Uptown (apparently even there your wallet can be stolen)
- the boys on motorcycle (the one that tops them all being my boy)- (. . .)

"Each time i decide these feelings cant keep going on.
it`s just a matter of time before they come back twice as strong"

A more detailed, and less "blue" post about my time in Barcelona is upcoming.. for now this is it.
"Sometimes i feel like i'm in Barcelona
see anytime i hear this tune I just start drifting away
and all i wanna do is go back."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Things Come With Time. (XY)

In my life there have been various occasions where people have told me that "things come with time".
"Things" being the variable on the Y-axis.
Time being the obvious X-axis.
See now I don't do math, because it's not an interest of mine.. but I now do understand that the X-axis should always be your friend, your companion in whatever situation..

This week passed by reasonably fast, truth is; I had a blast. I hate to admit that because it would be so much easier to say that I didn't have fun considering the feelings I have about being in Holland..
I went out multiple times this week. I was invited to a birthday party and I met up with 5 other girls to head there together.. Turned out the birthday party was in a student location called MAKE. The night there started out with an amazing band on stage who would play any requested song live. They were truly amazing, even when we requested songs like "little wing" by Jimi Hendrix they just started playing as if it were their second nature to perform any kind of song.
The atmosphere was great, the drinks were delicious, and I met a bunch of nice people. For the first time since I've been here I witnessed random hook-ups between people in my class, flirtatious guys, and drunken sing-alongs. When the place closed at 3am. We were all still in party mode and decided to head to a club. The walk there was was cold, but very nice. As I was kept warm.
When walking home at 6am I realized I'd lost my voice, and still hadn't completed the Task for that days class. and it all felt good.

Next days class was funny because me and my 2 friends still had no voice. Class participation was somewhat difficult ;)
That night I had met up with one of my friends to go for dinner in this place called "Kiwi".. good girl bonding times, and after a delicious dessert (with for sure gazillions of calories) we headed to see Inglorious Bastards (finally!!!) great. great. movie. Props for the director, and the actors.
After that another bar adventure, and the next day I felt more than ready to start my first day at work!

This post is a very factional explanation of my week but there's so many emotions running through me right now that I don't really know how to write them down..
In 2 days I'm heading back home and I'm hoping to find things there just as I'd left them about a month ago.. Once again.. things come with time.. So we will see about that.

There was just one thing I wanted to mention. Dutch people just create such interesting slogans for their companies/bars.
Slogan of my gym: There is more to life than brains.
Slogan of Make!: Study hard. Party hardER.

A tiger never loses her stripes.
With love,
From me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"I prefer the world Unclear."

Way too long since I wrote something, I apologize.
The last week has gone by so fast, I can't even believe it. I suppose that is a good thing though, because that means I'll be in Barcelona in no time too. Actually, I'll be there in 6 days. I'm so excited that I feel like bouncing whenever I think about it (you may all understand that these days I happen to bounce a lot)

Besides the Barcelona happiness, I'm doing my full best to adapt to life in Holland. It's getting colder every day now, and the weatherman said it's going to freeze tonight and tomorrow night! Oh boy. Oh boy. As I went grocery shopping yesterday I realized that my big headphones now function as earmuffs as well, which is quite nice because normal earmuffs don't provide music :)
And so it's me bouncing through the city with my headphonemuffs on rocking the sidewalk..

Because I have very little class, and am in fact only working on a final paper due next thursday (which I will hand in Monday because I will be inBARCELONA then) I decided to embrace the student life a little more, and find myself a part time job. That way, I'll get to meet people, be busy, and make some money. It turned out luck was on my side, because I walked in the store without a job, and walked out with. My first day of work is saturday! I can't wait!

Furthermore I got inaugurated with my student association last night. When I first arrived here I was completely against student associations because I was of the opinion it's a lame way of meeting friends. However, I decided to check one out (an International one where all the exchange/foreigners go to) and I realized I made a click with most people there. Hence, I did join one. Hence, the inauguration.
We received a diploma (because we successfully survived the introduction period), a silver keychain which is also a beer bottle opener (Dutch people and their fucking beers.), and a condom with on the packing a label that says: "A safe way to penetrate Europe".
In any case, everyone was very welcoming and the night was pretty fun.

In addition to school, meeting friends, grocery shopping and my job, I also am a firm believer in going to the gym. I've done my first spinning class, which unfortunately wasn't as exciting as my classes in Barcelona used to be.. But they do have this work-out machine which imitates ice-skating and works your abdominals and booty. Obviously it is this machine that is obsessively used by the girls. We keep on hoping that maybe next summer we will look good in our bikini's. Its all about having faith, or, as one of my friends would say; "Living in GaGa Land."
Well, excuse me, but I happen to pleasantly live in gaga land. In the book i'm currently re-reading (again) the protagonists meets a girl that should technically wear glasses but states to him that she "prefers the world unclear".
As a matter of fact, living in gaga-land, or living in an unclear world is maybe just the way to go. It is in my situation. I like it.

It is for this reason that we glamorously glide (or occasionally bounce) through the city at each step reminding ourselves that "a tiger never loses her stripes".

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I wanna hurry home to you put on a slow, dumb show for you

The National - Slow Show
"I wanna hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I’m very, very frightening
I’ll overdo it

You know I dreamed about you
for twenty-nine years before I saw you
You know I dreamed about you
I missed you for
for twenty-nine years"

Friday, October 2, 2009


Malboro has a new design. GOLD.